Saturday, February 20, 2016

the brick of disappointment

thats me
it's like you never make them happy
you're never what there looking for
you don't fit there bricks
and they keep breaking you down to make you fit

but guess what
i don't fit
i don't want to fit

if i'm not good enough for you
being me
then you're not worth my time

hey how about instead of breaking me down to fit your mold 
build me up and look at me a different way 

i'm freaking abstract art
get use to it

if you don't like me move on
cause i guarantee
that someone is going to come along
and they will want to use me to build there life     
and they will recognize 
that i'm beautiful and perfect just the way i am



  1. So totally blog stalking you rn and I just have to say your blog look is so cool I absolutely love it and I don't think I ever saw this post till now and that makes me mad because it's seriously SO good and I wish I had seen it sooner
